Hospitalization Guide

Hospitalization Process

  1. On the day of admission, please follow the designated procedures such as filling out applications at the Inpatient Lounge.
  2. Please bring your health insurance card and other cards as needed for your admission.
  3. Please check the time printed on the appointment sheet for your scheduled admission.

Hospitalization Preparation

What to Bring for Hospitalization

  1. Toiletries (e.g. toothbrush, toothpaste, cup, electric shaver)
  2. Shoes (with heel counter)
  3. Tissue paper
  4. Masks
  5. Clock / Wristwatch
  6. Underwear
  7. Earphone (available at our LAWSON)
  8. Current medication (bring enough quantity of medicine for hospitalization)
  9. Medicine pocketbook

*Application for hospital gown and towels is necessary for a fee.
*Please write your name on your personal belongings.

Hospitalization Cost

Hospitalization Fee and Payment

  1. In general, our medical / hospitalization fee is determined in accordance with the ‘Table for Medical Fee Points’, which is provided by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare of Japan. Our calculation for the fee is based on the concept of DPC (Diagnosis Procedure Combination) system from June 2006.
  2. Fee for delivery, copayment, fee for private room, documentation and others are determined according to our rules. Please ask for an estimation of hospitalization fee at the Inpatient Lounge on the 1st floor before discharge.
  3. Invoice / Discharge permission will be issued and given on discharge day at the ward. With the permission, please make the payment at the Inpatient Lounge on the 1st floor.
  4. If the hospitalization period extends to 2 or more months, hospitalization fee will be charged on a monthly basis. Our cutoff date of billing is the end of every month and the invoice will be given to you after 10th of next month. Please pay the bill at the Inpatient Lounge on the 1st floor.
  5. We accept payment by cash, credit card, and PayPay.

Additional Fee for Private Room

Room TypeFees (tax included)
2-Beds room A8,800 Yen
2-Beds room B6,600 Yen
2-Beds room C 4,400 Yen
Private room A22,000 Yen
Private room B18,700 Yen
Private room C17,600 Yen
Private room D13,200 Yen
Special suite55,000 Yen

* Room fee is charged by the days of hospitalization. For example, an overnight-stay is counted as 2 days.
* Basic toiletries at special suite and Obstetrics are based on our original concept.


If you need the following certificates, please make an application.

  • If you are an inpatient → Ward clerk (except medical certificate by health insurance company’s form(*))
  • Others → Window 2 – Medical Documents on the 1st floor of our Main bldg.

*As for the ‘medical certificate by health insurance company’s form’, please make an application at Window 2 – Medical Documents.
**If it is difficult to make an application at our hospital for some reason (e.g., living far from the hospital), please contact us (047-384-8111, Main line).

Business hours for application and inquiry

Mon – Sat: 9:00 – 16:00
*On Sundays and holidays, ONLY an application by the patient to be discharged on the day is accepted.

Claim for injury and sickness allowance 300 Yen
Certificate for hospitalization 6,600 Yen (tax included)
Claim for delivery and childrearing allowance 3,300 Yen (tax included)
Certificate, Statement of persons with disabilities 11,000 Yen (tax included)
Medical Certificate Our hospital form 4,400 Yen
(tax included)
For submission to the police 7,700 Yen
(tax included)
Health insurance company’s form 6,600 Yen
(tax included)
Certificates (diapers and/or others) 2,200 Yen (tax included)

If you have any questions, please ask at ʻWindow 2 - Medical Documents’ on the 1st floor or call us 047-384-8111 (Mon-Sat 9:00-16:00).

Translation and Interpretation Fees

Translation Fee

Type of document Available languages for translation Fee
Medical certificate Chinese/English 16,500 Yen
Referral letter
Medical certificate for health insurance company
Examination result*
Translation of other documents

*As for the examination result, it will cost 16,500 Yen for each document. Doctor will make the document in Japanese then translation will be done, so it may take some time to prepare.

Interpretation Fee

*For international patient (non-resident of Japan and without Japanese health insurance)

~1 hour ~2 hours ~3 hours More than 3 hours
Interpretation of catheterization and further treatment, surgery under local anesthesia, delivery by Caesarean section 22,000 Yen 33,000 Yen 44,000 Yen
Interpretation of IC (informed consent) and consultation 11,000 Yen 22,000 Yen 33,000 Yen 44,000 Yen